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Improve Energy Efficiency, Control Process Temperatures, Save Power Costs
Banks Industrial Group gives you single-source, comprehensive contracting service for the insulation of bulk storage tanks, vessels, steam systems, chilled water systems, boilers, piping, ducts and more. Our durable, environmentally safe insulation will improve efficiency, reduce energy cost, prevent equipment failure, control condensation and increase employee safety at your facility.
Banks Industrial Group offers:
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BIG is your single-source for above ground storage tank and soccer games today Industrial Pipe Insulation including new construction, retrofit and repair.
Storage Tank Insulation
Our vertical-panel sidewall insulation systems provide durable, long-term, weather resistant temperature control and energy cost savings for above ground storage tanks.
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We install waterproof, wind-resistant standing seam insulation for fixed storage tank roofs. Our systems can be used stand-alone or combined with sidewall insulation.
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Turnkey insulation service for industrial pipes. Our systems will increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, prevent corrosion and protect against freeze damage.
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BIG offers HVAC insulation service for interior and exterior ducts. Benefits include improved efficiency, energy cost savings, improved air quality and reduced operating noise.
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Great for equipment that requires easy access for periodic maintenance and inspections. Learn more about industrial insulation blankets
Inspection Ports
See what’s happening under your insulation system. soccer games today|Best Website_Elongated and
Related Maintenance & Safety Items
In keeping with our single-source, problem solving philosophy, you may find these items helpful at your facility.
Storage Tank Repairs
Fast repair of tank shell corrosion, leaks, deteriorated weld seams and settlement damage.
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Soccer live score We replace failed tank chime seals to stop water intrusion and protect tank bottoms.
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Rapidly restore pitted, thin-wall metal surfaces and protect against future corrosion.
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ASME, DOT, ISO compliant solutions to restore structural integrity, repair leaks and prevent corrosion.
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Protect against chemical spills to safeguard the environment and extend asset service life.
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Protect storage tanks, vessels and pipes against erosion, corrosion and chemical attack.
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Specialized linings to protect tanks and vessels operating under harsh immersion conditions.
Internal Tank LiningsCrossover Stairs & Ladders
We sell OSHA compliant pipe crossovers, catwalks, Soccer live score access ladders and maintenance platforms.
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We are committed to sharing knowledge and information for the betterment of industry and environment. These blog posts will help in understanding how insulation can benefit your operation.